mercredi 30 juillet 2008

Heartburn Severe To Avoid

Experienced by at least 60 million people in the United States alone, heartburn severe is fast becoming a major health problem and although usually referred to as acid reflux disorder, most cases of heartburn do not require a diagnosis of gastro esophageal reflux disorder. Sometimes it is just the result of poor eating habits which when corrected can stop the problem but if it is caused by a physical problem then medical attention may be required.

It is the severity of the heartburn severe could be key to diagnosing whether it is in fact a symptom of Acid Reflux and only the person suffering will know how severe the pain is. This is something the patient must keep a check on so they can should not details of how long the attack lasts, how often the heartburn is occurring and how intense the attacks are.

The biggest causes of heartburn severe are spicy foods and overeating but depending on the person, mild heartburn can last just a few minutes or for many hours in severe cases. In minor cases a couple of antacid tablets is usually enough to calm the symptoms especially if the food is allowed to digest slowly but if medication does not help the condition then medical treatment will probably be required.

Heartburn severe is a condition experienced by the majority of populations in Western countries and as much as 44 percent of the population, experiencing heartburn episodes once a month is still considered mild and should not be cause for alarm. Fortunately, for the majority who experience heartburn once every week, it is just a simple matter of adjusting their eating habits to ease the condition. It is the twenty percent that suffer regularly, twice a week, that are of concern and the condition goes from being moderate to chronic and in these incidences the condition could well be the result of acid reflux disorder.

Patients who suffer with acid reflux disorder have more serious symptoms which can include loosing weight, blood loss and a problem with swallowing food. Another indicator that the heartburn severe is in fact acid reflux is when the sufferer can taste sour acid in the throat.

However, controlling episodes of heartburn severe can be achieved with a few basic and simple steps. Firstly, watch your diet by keeping track of what you eat thereby avoiding the foods that trigger your heartburn but avoiding large meals by eating smaller meals more frequently to improve digestion and decrease acid secretion.

Other bad habits like smoking or excessive alcohol consumption will also make the condition worse and if you use these to help relieve everyday stress then some other form of de-stressor needs to be found. Unfortunately, heartburn also affects people who are overweight more and wear restrictive clothing around their waists which in turn forces the food back up the digestive tract causing the familiar heartburn severe feeling.

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